Multiple Attractions
92”h x 16 ft wide
(28 butterflies-all different) Digital images printed on transparency, hand-stitched to wire forms
(price on request)

Close Encounters (2016)
Digital images printed on transparency, hand-stitched
38” in diameter
(price on request)

Cutting Edge
Digital images of plants, printed on transparency, hand-stitched
14 ¾”h x 18 ½”w
(price on request)

Floating Fabric
Metal and paper scraps sewn by machine
22″w x 22″h
(price on request)

Full Bloom
Digital images of plants and pottery printed on transparency, hand-stitched
20″h x 27″w
(price on request)

Ground Breaking
Digital images of succulents and cactus, printed on transparency, hand-stitched
28″h x 21″w
(price on request)

Ground Work
Digital images of plants printed on transparency, hand-stitched
20″h x 22 ½”w
(price on request)

Home Grown
Digital images of plants, printed on transparency, hand-stitched
21″h x 29″w
(price on request)

In Living Color
Digital images of succulents, cactus and birds, printed on transparency, hand-stitched
17 ¾’ x 18 ½”w
(price on request)

Marking Territory #1, #2, #3
Digital images printed on transparency, hand-stitched
#1. (top) 11″h x 13″w, #2. 10″h x 8 1/2″w, #3. 10″h x 9 1/2″w
(price on request)

Natural Beauty
Digital images of cacti printed on transparency, hand-stitched
17″h x 18″w
(price on request)

Scratching the Surface
Digital images printed on transparency, hand-stitched
20″h x 21 1/2″w
(price on request)

Secret Garden
Digital images of succulents, printed on transparency, hand-stitched
17″h x 18 1/2″w
(price on request)

Spotting a Pattern
Digital images of succulents printed on transparency, hand-stitched
(price on request)

Digital images of succulents, printed on transparency, hand-stitched
30″h x 21″w
(price on request)

Surface Beauty
Digital images of water lilies, printed on transparency, hand-stitched
21 ½”h x 49″w
(price on request)

Unknown Origins
Digital images printed on transparency, hand-stitched
13″h x 40″w
(price on request)

Going Buggy
Digital images printed on transparency, hand-stitched
16”h x 14”w
(price on request)